Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cameron Family Reunion 2008

The Cameron Reunion was this last weekend. It was a great time with all our crazy relatives, although we really missed Deon and Steve and Jason and Lindsey and their girls. We could have used them in the hula hoop competition!
Here are a few pics from the Olympic portion of the reunion. Our team was from Japan, and we put together a pretty decent ensemble of costumes and flag. However, Jeff added his touches with two sumo suits. Jeff and Matt showed off their wrestling abilities, and Kurt showed off his ability of getting two sumo wearing guys into the back of a truck.

It was all pretty funny and great fun!

On Saturday morning, Altamont had their annual Longhorn 5k. Jeff, Dave, Kendrick, Kendall, Amy, Madison and Tyler all got up early to go run it. A few of us dragged ourselves out of bed to watch. 'That Danley Boy' got first place and Jeff came in 3rd.

Gavin and Will had a blast swimming and building their 'house' (under the wood stairs). I think they are having a little gladiator/sword fighting competition in these pictures.

The highlight of the Olympic competition was the syhcronized swimming. I was impressed with Jeff, Kim and Dad's ability to put together a routine. Dad gets the award for never coming out of character!

These are a few pics from the climbing wall. James couldn't quite reach the holds yet!